Sliced Bread - ETL on Salesforce


Analysing an Issue #

Slice Detail Page #

When a Slice failed, your first task is to understand what caused the failure. To analyse the issue, you first open the Slice detail page.

Slice Manager
1Bread ManagerOn each slice also some information about the Bread is shown for context and navigation purposes.
2Slice Status BadgesDescribed here.
3Slice ManagerComponent for managing the slice.
4ValuesThe values of all fields that are included in the Sliced Bread recipe, also including virtual fields. Values are editable here and changes will be stored in the audit trail and show up in the Slice History component.
5Load PlanThe load plan for this Slice is shown here.
6TroubleshootDescribed here.
7Slice ActionsDescribed here.
8Slice HistoryShows the audit trail of this Slice, either summarized or full.
9Slice History Summary TabShows a summary of the audit trail. This tab has been specifically designed to give the user quick insight into actions and outcomes.
10Slice History Full TabShow all detail in the detail trail, including which user performed which rules when and with which version of the recipe.

Slice Manager Troubleshoot Tab #

The Slice Manager Troubleshoot tab has been specifically designed to act as a one-stop shop for providing all the information needed for analysis.

Troubleshoot Tab
Active RuleThis is the rule where an issue occurred.
StatusTypically Failed or Paused in troubleshooting situations.
Status ReasonMore information on why the Slice has failed or is paused can be found here.
Input FieldsAll input fields of the active rule. These fields can inline edited directly here. That edit action will also be displayed in the Slice History.
Output FieldsAll output fields of the active rule. Also these can be inline edited directly here.
Database ErrorsYou will find that load rules often fail because there’s something in your org that doesn’t allow the operation, e.g. a validation rule. That kind of information you will find here.
DuplicatesIf a load rule failed becaue there is a duplicate, then this section will display what duplicate rule caused the duplicate and what the matched records are.
Stack TraceIf there is a Stack Trace, then that will be displayed in this section.

Also the Slice History component can provide more information that can be helpful. Use the Full tab then which shows all information available in the detailed audit trail.

Both the Active Rule and any rule in the Slice History is clickable. The Recipe Builder will then open in view only mode with that specific rule open. This can be helfpul if you want to refresh your memory on how the rule was configured. For transform rules, you can also use the playground to see how the rule behaves with different inputs without make any changes to your data.

Slice Actions #

From the Slice the following actions are available for troubleshooting.

Slice Actions

1. Edit Fields #

In many failure situation you’ll find that data needs to cleaned or enriched manually. You can do this directly and inline from the Troubleshoot tab in sections Input Fields and Output Fields. You can also inline edit Slice values on tab Values. After you have fixed the data, you can try again using actions Start Processing Slice or Step Forward Slice.

2. Start Processing Slice #

This action will try to process the rule again starting at the active rule. If that succeeds it will continue with processing.

3. Step Forward Slice #

This action will try to process the rule again starting at the active rule. It that succeeds it will not continue with processing. The next rule will be active rule and the status of the Slice will be Paused.

4. Rollback & Restart Slice #

This action will:

  1. Rollback the Slice to the start of the Extract phase by emptying all filled Slice fields that have been filled by a Extract or Transform rule.
  2. Then it will attach the newest Recipe Version if a later Recipe Version is active now.
  3. Lastly it will start processing again.

This action is only available if the Slice is in phases Extract or Transform. In the Load phase a Slice cannot be safely rollbacked because Salsforce actions (like sending an e-mail) may have already triggered as a result of a DML operation, e.g. an e-mail being sent.

This action is the prefered way if a slice is still in Extract or Transform and you solved the issue by improving the recipe.

5. Attach Newest Recipe Version To Slice #

This action will attach the newest Recipe Version if a later Recipe Version is active now. This action is available in all phases.

This action should be used with care. Processing a slice with multiple versions of a recipe is not best practice. However, in some situations – mostly in the load phase – the slice can only be completed by tweaking the recipe.

6. Discard Slice #

If you decide that you don’t care about the slice anymore, you can discard it with this action.

Troubleshooting a Bread #

Sometimes troubleshooting on the Slice-level is too finegrained and would take forever. For these kind of situations, there are also various troubleshooting actions on the Bread-level.

Bread Actions

1. Rollback & Restart Failed Extract/Transform Slices #

Same as Slice action: “4. Rollback & Restart Slice”, but than for all slices in phases Extract or Transform and with status Failed.

2. Rollback & Restart All Extract/Transform Slices #

Same as Slice action: “4. Rollback & Restart Slice”, but than for all slices in phases Extract or Transform.

3. Start Processing Failed Slices #

Same as Slice action: “2. Start Processing Slice”, but then for all slices with status Failed.

4. Cancel Bread #

If you decide that you don’t want to proceed with the bread, you can cancel it with this action.

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