Start Slicing #
You can run a recipe from the Sliced Bread Home tab. Just click on the Run a Recipe button. This button may also show just a + if there are already breads in the oven.

The Run a Recipe dialog will first ask to select your recipe. It will only show the recipes that are active.

The next step will ask to specify the bread values. These are all the bread virtual fields specified in the recipe, as well as the Bread Name. Bread Name is prefilled with a suggested name that usually should be fine. The template {!bread_number}
will be replaced with an auto-number value, e.g. 00123.

Depending on the slice rule in the recipe, there can be a 3rd ste. If there is no 3rd step, click the button Start Slicing to run the recipe. If the slice rule requires a file, the 3rd step will ask to upload that file.

Once done use the Start Slicing button to run the recipe. A new Bread record will be created now and the Slice phase is started.

After you have clicked Start Slicing, the created bread will appear on the Sliced Bread component. While it’s processing, a animated 3 blue bars icon is showing. While the bread is processing, the row will auto-refresh every 5 seconds.

Start Loading #
If we stay on the happy path, the status of all slices and the bread will become Ready To Load. At this stage the bread is not processing anymore and user action is needed.

Click View Load Plan to open the Load Plan. You will then see a report like the below.

By clicking on the Slice Name, you navigate to the Slice detail page which will contain a detailed Slice load plan. The checkboxes will be checked automatically after the DML operation has been executed. The rule will then also appear in the Slice History.

There are multiple ways to start loading:
- On the Home tab or the Bread detail page, you can click Start Loading and then loading will start for the full bread. Start Loading is only available if the status of the bread is Ready To Load, so when there are no more Processing, Failed or Paused slices in the Extract on Transform phase.
- On the Slice detail page you can just load that Slice by clicking Start Loading Slice.
- On the Slice detail page under the menu items you can click Step Forward Slice to only execute the first load rule. This is the most careful option.
Navigating Sliced Bread #
The UI of Sliced Bread basically has three levels:
- Home. This is the top level giving an overview of all breads in progress.
- Bread. This level shows the details for a bread and has related slices as related list.
- Slice. This is the lowest level and contains all details for one slice.
On each level you will find Slice Status Badges like:

Each badge shows the number of slices for a specific bread and with a specific status. If the count is 0, no badge is shown. You can use a badge to navigate in the following two ways:
- Click on the status icon to directly navigate to one of the slices. The slice that will be opened is the one that has been viewed longest ago. This means that each time you click the icon a different slice will open.
- Click on the number to open a report giving more detail about each of the slices represented by the badge.
Clean Up #
There are bread actions available to delete all slices for a Bread. Use this if you want to free some storage. Deleting all slices is only available for Done and Cancelled breads. Please be aware that the detailed audit trail (Slice History) is stored on Slice. So if you delete slices, the audit trail will be gone too.