Sliced Bread - ETL on Salesforce

Data Model

Sliced Bread contains only 3 objects.

Data Model

You can find more information about the objects below. All fields have been documented in the app in the description field. This documentation has not been duplicated below.

Bread #

Each larger body of data is a Bread. Examples: a file or a query.

Bread Statuses #

NewInitial status. Nothing happened yet.
FailedThe Bread failed at the Bread level. See Status Reason on Bread for more information.
Start SlicingAn instruction has been given to Salesforce to start slicing. After Salesforce delegated this instruction to the corresponding AWS microservice, the status will go to Slicing.
Start LoadingAn instruction has been given to Salesforce to start loading. After Salesforce delegated this instruction to the corresponding AWS microservice, the status will go to Loading.
Start RestartingAn instruction has been given to Salesforce to start restarting. After Salesforce delegated this instruction to the corresponding AWS microservice, the status will go to Restarting.
SlicingThe AWS microservice is slicing the bread. After slicing is done, the AWS microservice will set the status to Transforming. The AWS microservice is done when all new slices have been supplied to Salesforce via the Rest API or Bulk API v2.
TransformingOne or more slices have status Processing and are in phase Extract or Transform.
LoadingOne or more slices have status Processing and are in phase Load.
RestartingOne or more slices have status Restarting.
Failed SlicesOne or more slices have status Failed.
PausedOne or more slices have status Paused.
Ready To LoadOne or more slices have status Ready To Load.
DoneAll slices have status Done or Discarded.
CancelledThe bread has been manually cancelled.

1 If more status descriptions are true then the first row in the table below applies.

2 A bread status is Processing if Sliced Bread is working on the bread and nothing is expected from the user. This is depicted in the app with the animated 3 blue bars icon.

Slice #

Each staged bundle of related data to be extracted, transformed and loaded is a Slice. Example: a line in a csv file.

Slice Statuses #

NewInitial status. Nothing happened yet.
ProcessingThe slice is either being processed on Salesforce or is queued to be processed.
Ready To LoadExtract and transform phase have been completed and the slice is now waiting to be loaded.
DoneExtract, transform and load are all done.
PausedThe slice is waiting for a user to do something.
DiscardedYou don’t care about this slice and the data it represents any more.
RestartingThe slice is either being rollbacked / reprocessed on Salesforce or is queued to do so.
FailedThe slice has failed and needs troubleshooting.
Start ProcessingAn instruction has been given to start processing this Slice on Salesforce. You’ll never see this status as a trigger will immediately set the status to Processing.
Start RestartingAn instruction has been given to start restarting this Slice on Salesforce. You’ll never see this status as a trigger will immediately set the status to Restarting.

Slice Phases #

ExtractIn this phase raw data is being parsed and made processable by storing data into Slice fields. Extract is also the start phase for a new slice.
TransformIn this phase more data is gathered and calculated. In this phase data is also validated.
LoadIn this phase data in the org is being created, updated, upserted or deleted.
DoneExtract, transform and load are all done.

Recipe Version #

A Recipe defines how a Bread needs to be sliced and how the slices need to be extracted, transformed and loaded.

Recipe Types #

The type of a recipe is automatically calculated based on rule configuration. The identification logic column below describes how.

IconTypeDescriptionIdentification Logic
Data AggregationData AggregationThis is a recipe for aggregating Salesforce data.Recipe uses the Slice Data Into Buckets slicer.
CSV FileThis is a recipe for importing a CSV file.Recipe uses the Slice File Into Lines slicer and the CSV Extract extract rule.
Bulk DMLBulk DMLThis is a recipe for executing a query on Salesforce and then applying transform and load rules to each record.Recipe uses the Slice File Into Records slicer.
Data GenerationData GenerationThis is a recipe for generating data.Recipe uses the Generate Slices slicer.
UnknownUnknownThis is a non-standard situation.None of the identification logics above apply.

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